
 英語の方法論、という部分に関してお話をする一方で、その方法論が本当にその価値を発揮するためには、英語の学習をしよう、努力をしていこう、と突き動かす motivation の部分に関しても高く保っていかないと、いけないわけです。
While I have talked about the method of learning English so far, it is also essential to keep your motivation really really high, because that’s what drives you to keep going in English, and lets you get the full benefit from this method.

In my opinion, there are three important factors for leaning English and motivation is one of them.

Motivation×Total Amount Of Study×Correct Method

When these three factors work tightly together, you can make strikingly rapid progress in learning English.
Motivation influences how much you study, so it has the most importance.

What people who earn money by teaching English are most concerned about is whether they can ensure that their students get the maximum benefit from their studies.

In order to do that, it is not enough to just teach English using a “correct method”.

Additionally, it is necessary as well to motivate their students to study further according to their method.

So sometimes I tell my students to stop studying for a while. When they can’t study for several days, they start to feel worried about not studying.

Also they have time to look back and rethink why in the first place they chose to study English.

What is seemingly irrational can sometimes help re-motivate us.

To improve our motivation, it’s worth it.

By enhancing our motivation and reconfirming our methods, we can start making a steady effort again, acquiring English skills little by little.

First of all, we should have a correct method, and then if we can keep highly motivated to study, our efforts can be “in the right direction” and “continuous”, which will actually produce some effect, some result.

私の TOEIC の点を見ていただければ効果のない方法とは思いませんよね。
My TOEIC score is evidence that the method I’m talking about is not ineffective, right?

By the way, everybody, you may wonder why this textbook contains so many complicated explanations. The reason is, as I mentioned in “Policy”, that having a good understanding of what you are going to do greatly motivates you and keeps that motivation.

And that prevents you from going astray and becoming addicted to all sorts of methods.
Even if you are one of those addicts!!

Now everyone, there are, broadly speaking, two types of situations that galvanize us into action.

One is when something can’t be put off any longer and we really have to buckle down. The other is when we really like, want, or want to do something.

前者の例では例えば自分が急に海外に行くことになったとか、TOEIC で700点取らないと昇進できないとかね。これはやばいですよね。すごいモチベーションです。
An example for the former reason is when you suddenly have to go abroad or when you have to score at least 700 in the TOEIC test to get promoted. It’s really serious, isn’t it? I guess you’ll be greatly motivated then.

In these cases, you’ll be able to study very effectively, but it is difficult to drive yourself into such tough situations as long as you are in Japan, though, of course, you can still do so artificially.

This is why the latter reason has its own importance.

Some of you, reading this passage, may be feeling that it was in junior high school that you first studied English and started to hate it. And some of you may have never found English fun since then, but have managed to study it patiently so far.

But, whatever you do, it’s best to be able to find as much fun in it as possible.

Some people do find English a fun subject to study.

いつでも 100%楽しいかと言えば必ずしもそうではないでしょう。
But, it may not be that they always enjoy it one hundred percent of the time.

Even those people sometimes experience difficulties and can feel almost stuck and frustrated; “Oh, this is too much, such a long way to go…”

Nevertheless, it’s surely possible to keep positively motivated to keep on studying English, by thinking that “I have been able to keep at English because it is a fun subject and I’ll be able to continue learning.”, rather than to be passively motivated, thinking “I’ve been studying English because I have to, because it gives me some advantages I wouldn’t have otherwise.”

Studying because you have to, even though you don’t want to, is not very effective.

If you are to continue studying for longer and you want to produce good results, it’s better to have some element of fun involved.

Then, what could be a fun when leaning English?

There are various ways to just enjoy English, instead of studying it.

Movies, music, and even manga are available.

For example, the English versions of Japanese manga are really interesting.

You have experienced English only as a study subject, haven’t you?

Instead, you can think this way: I happened to become interested in something expressed in English.

Some of you may say, “I’ve never enjoyed English, and I don’t think I ever will either.”

Even so, I sincerely hope that you can think positively, “I have never seen anything fun in English so far but wasn’t it just bad luck? Things don’t stay the same, do they?”

This is also important in working on your subconscious.

First of all, it’d be a good idea to go back and find out the reasons why you didn’t find English interesting.

Of course everyone has different memories and different reasons.

It may be true that you didn’t find English interesting, or even worse, came to hate it, but was it really the fault of English?

Wasn’t it the fault of something external, rather than English itself?

For example, some of the most common cases are: your English teacher was horrible; the English exams were meaninglessly complicated or were not fun at all. Do you have any memories like these which caused you to stop studying English but had nothing to do with English itself?

If so, don’t you think it is certainly possible to start again by looking at English by itself, and to find pleasure in it?

When you want to find more fun in English, “sound” is interesting.

When we utter language sounds, they are not only the medium by which we communicate with others, but also “something to play with” by themselves, which can be seen in the phrase “play on words”.