
What level of English do you want to achieve?

生徒さんの中には「英語が上手になったら海外に住みたいです」とか「TOEIC で700点取ったら外資系に挑戦します」とか「今度の模試で偏差値60になったら@@大学受けます」という方がよくいます。
I often meet those students who say things like, “If I can improve my English, I want to live overseas”, or, “If I get 700 in TOEIC, I’ll try for a job in a foreign-affiliated company”, or, “If I get a deviation value of 60 or more in the next mock exam, I’ll try for @@ university.”

If you think the same way as those people, you should be careful.

「英語が上手になったら」「TOEIC で700点取ったら」「偏差値60になったら」たらたらたらたら。条件付けをする人は非常に目標達成が遅いです。なぜなら「たらたら」しているから。
“If I can improve my English”, “If I get 700 in TOEIC”, “If I get a deviation value of 60”, blah, blah, blah. People who always talk about “ifs” are very slow in achieving their goals because they never start doing things right away.

Are you not sure what I’m talking about? I’m saying this to activate your subconscious

The subconscious mind is really powerful.

For example, some children who’ve temporarily stopped going to school start to have a
stomachache if they are forced to go to school.

This is because their subconscious refuses to do so.

In other words, our conscious (our normal self) is stronger than our subconscious.

So if these two things don’t work together, there’ll be big trouble, but if they do, it’ll produce a wonderful effect.

This is something we definitely want to take advantage of. Here’s an interesting characteristic of the subconscious. Curiously enough, it can’t tell fact from fiction.

The conscious and the subconscious are two different things, but are connected to each other.

So if the conscious continues sending the message, “I can do it, of course!”, to the subconscious, it affects the subconscious little by little.

But if the message is too strong, the subconscious will decide, contrary to our expectations, “I’m forcing myself to think so because in reality I can’t do so.” So it’d be better to make it milder and say to yourself, “Actually, I don’t feel I’m so poor at English. I guess I’ll learn to speak it well someday.”

Also, in this homepage, I’m going to explain how you can definitely make progress, so I think you can become totally confident that you can make progress.

What’s even more interesting about the subconscious is that it resists change.

You may think, “I might try new types of clothes to change my looks.” but then, you don’t do anything, thinking, “Maybe that’s not me.” This is how your subconscious influences you.

Your subconscious may think, “I can never master English”.

What affects the subconscious the most? The answer is action.

It’s best to act as if you were good at English.

What do I mean?

I mean acting as if you already had a good command of English. Don’t just think. Act.

First, imagine how people who have a good command of English act.

And then, put it into action. Act like them. Never mind if you don’t think you are good at English.

You could drink beer at an Irish pub or get an English newspaper and read it over a cup of coffee. That’d be great.

Among other things, I particularly recommend reading aloud.

Since you have greatly improved your pronunciation through the process mentioned before, you can enjoy hearing yourself making English sounds.

Then you can start reading aloud and get into a virtuous circle; of the feeling of joy, and your subconscious promoting each other. 


What should I do so that words will come out of my mouth spontaneously?

Changing your way of thinking and your awareness is necessary here. Many people try to speak English in this order:

“Having something to say in mind → Then try to translate it into English somehow”

But as long as you stick to this order, there is no way you can experience words coming out of your month spontaneously.

This is like doing English composition in the brain all the time (Of course, you could make in a flash those sentences you have said many times before, so in that case words may come out of your mouth without any time difference).

If you are to speak so fluently and smoothly as if words are really coming out of your mouth on their own, it would help to realize that you could change your way of thinking.

If I put this in an extreme way for the ease of your understanding, it would be:
“Having stocked phrases you can use perfectly → As these are the phrases you can use perfectly, you can come up with them in a flash and you naturally feel like using them”

At first, you may not be quite sure what this means, but in fact, if you think a bit further, you’ll see that everyone is doing this quite naturally.

For example, sometimes some words that appear in English sentences you have just read or in the conversation you have just had impress you very much. Then, don’t you just naturally feel like using those words when you talk next time?

Imagine you hear a celebrity use a cool phrase that is to your taste.

たとえば、恋愛の話で、2人の関係というのは一般に、性愛の面が強い時期もあれば、人間同士の信頼関係という面が強い時期もあったりするものですけれど、それについてトム・クルーズは、「彼女との関係は、最初は lust(性欲)という面が強かったけど、それが後に trust(信頼)に変わって行ったんだ」というふうに、lust と trust という韻を踏んだ単語を使い分けたかっこいい発言をしたことがあります。
For example, the relationship between a man and a woman sometimes leans more toward sexual love and sometimes toward trust and Tom Cruise once said, “My relationship with her was lust at first, but it changed into trust over time”, which sounds really cool, using two rhyming words, lust and trust, very effectively.

Let’s suppose you hear this for the first time and find this really cool too.

Then this saying sticks in your mind right away, and naturally you want to use it again when you have the chance, deciding you will say something cool and sound just like Tom Cruise!”

Now, in this Tom Cruise instance, the chart is in this order:
“Some phrases stocked in your memory are ready to be used at any time → So you feel like using them whenever you have the chance.

If you encounter interesting and cool phrases and structures and always try to use them even once or twice after that, you’ll be delighted to know that you can actually use them yourself and those phrases and structures will take root in your memory, ready to be used whenever you want.

Increase your stock of words and practice them beforehand. Use them whenever you
can, even if it’s a bit forced.

The more words you have “in-stock”, the more discoveries you will make: “Oh, this word and this word can be combined.” “If I replace this word with that one, it’ll be all right.”

As more words start to come out of your mouth smoothly, you should stock your mind with some more new words and repeat this process.

If you find a new phrase and find it attractive, think specifically about how to use it

Our brain tries to keep in our memory the things that are actually used, so thinking specifically and using a phrase helps it take root in our memory.

Some people say angrily, “Does that mean I can’t say what I want?” But at the beginning, no one can say what they want.

Even native speaker babies need a few years’ input before they start speaking.

And no one can output what is not input first.

This textbook of mine is made up of the mixture of the various kinds of knowledge input in my brain in enormous amounts. Inputting is important too.

Without that, we can’t output anything.

But Japanese learners tend to lean too much toward inputting, so that’s why I am putting more emphasis on outputting here. I hope you don’t misunderstand.

If you try to have plenty of things you can say instantly when you talk with native speakers, you’ll be all the happier when all the effort bears fruit.

Of course, if you have no stock at all on hand, you can talk by making English compositions instantly.

It’s not a good idea to say nothing because you are being too careful to avoid mistakes.

Making mistakes is fine as long as you make sure you correct them later.

But if you always follow the English composition process, it often takes too much time and you can’t catch up with the conversation, so it’s important to have enough “in-stock”.

After making compositions, you need to check them so that you can improve your fluency, and then add new expressions to your stock.


In this section, I’d like to remind you of the fact that learning English alone is not enough to improve your English.

英語というのは言語である以上、何かしらの話題について触れたもの、なわけですから、その話題に関しての関心があなたの方にまったくなかった場合には、あなたの英語力が TOEIC 満点で英検1級だろうがなんだろうが、さっぱりわけがわからないで終わってしまうでしょう。
As English is a language, it’s always about some topic or other. So if you have no interest in the topic at all, you won’t be able to follow the conversation at all, even if you have the full score in TOEIC, or Eiken 1st Grade, or whatever.

It is only natural that you can’t understand something written in English which you wouldn’t still be able to understand even if it were written in Japanese.

Basically, the range of topics you can follow in Japanese (your mother tongue) exactly
corresponds to the limit of the range of topics you can follow in English (your second language)

So, learning about a broad range of topics even through Japanese media is greatly helpful in reading English.

You’ll be able to read faster, and understand better.

One student who has studied abroad before reports this effect too.

When he had to study a subject he didn’t know anything about, he tried to learn in English at first.

But even native students had a hard time trying to catch up with the courses at the college and he gradually became aware that he couldn’t go on any more. Then he opened textbooks written in Japanese, which he had avoided reading.

After reading them once, he already felt a big difference in his next lecture: now he could understand much better than before.

That proved that the problem was not with his English. The problem was just that he didn’t have enough previous knowledge.


Well, so far, I’ve mentioned many things that can often “go wrong” in learning English.

From now on, based on what I’ve already mentioned, I’ll talk about many important things with more of an advanced stage in mind.

Secrets commonly practiced by masters of English, without knowing it

Here, I’m going to talk about what people who were brought up purely in Japan, and have mastered English, have in common.

Surprisingly enough, they are often unaware of these things, but you often find important hints in such things.

If you are a master, almost everything is done “unconsciously”, so you can remain relaxed.

You are not conscious of your effort (of course not, as it’s done unconsciously), and you speak, listen to, read, and write English as automatically and easily as you breathe.

Those masters of English say, “The most important thing is to communicate your thoughts and feelings”, and I can’t agree more. Their interviews, books, and English skills are very thought-provoking.

Very close attention to pronunciation

Mr. Nozomu Hayashi, an English literature expert and novelist who speaks beautiful English, says that he learned by singing and reading English songs and poems aloud

As for me, fortunately, I learned the phonetic symbols at the very beginning of the first year of junior high school, and listened to and imitated the English sounds with my teacher to learn what each of those symbols sounded like until I became familiar with them

Also, it is very meaningful to get used to the rhythm of English through the physical act of reading aloud.

By the rhythm of English, I mean not only the intonation, but also the pattern of the grammatical structure that regulates what kind of functions words have in which place.

I don’t know anyone who has mastered English without being conscious of the sounds.

② Firm grasp of grammar

ネイティブですらも、「each に対応する be 動詞は are だよな?」と真顔で言っている人がいました。
I once heard even a native speaker seriously asking, “The form of “be” that is compatible with “each” is “are”, right?”

すぐに隣にいた友達のネイティブに、「なに言ってんだよ。Each は単数扱いだから is だよ」と訂正されていました。
In no time another native speaker sitting next to him corrected him, saying, “Are you joking? Each is treated as a single noun, so it should be “is”.”

Of course, even native speakers are human and sometimes make mistakes. So in that case, if you have no knowledge of grammar, you can’t even notice those mistakes, much less correct them.

In order to achieve the challenging goal of “learning to use English correctly”, even native speakers wouldn’t be able to do it without grammar.

When you try to speak Japanese beautifully or correctly, naturally you’ll wonder if your Japanese is OK.

I have put emphasis on sound, but grammar is necessary as the basis of your English abilities, and makes your English correct.

For example, you can’t read a book without the help of grammar. It should never be undervalued.

③Enjoying the process. Or having genres they are especially good at.

Let’s take driving, for example. When you are not used to it, you can’t do anything else but try “consciously” to “do everything you are supposed to do”.

You try consciously to remember to make sure that the rearview mirror faces in the right direction, and that you have fastened your seat belt.

If you forget that at driving school, you will get scolded one hundred percent, so I did my best not to make that happen too!

But after getting a driver’s license, and driving on the road several times, you will find yourself adjusting the rearview mirror and fastening the seat belt without consciously having to try.

Now you can enjoy driving, and you can do some other things at the same time.

So, after you get the hang of things, try to find something that you can enjoy.

Also, when you do things you are good at, you don’t find them too much trouble.

I wouldn’t mind staying up really late at night to watch football matches. Also, actually, I majored in Western philosophy, so I am willing to read the kind of books most ordinary people wouldn’t read: “What is it to be human?” kind of books.

Other people would find them just torture!

This overlaps with what I mentioned in ②, but Ms. Ai Miyazato competed on an American tournament, and was interviewed by a reporter in English.

Watching this, a Japanese TV announcer said, “Wow, she is responding very confidently. She has no problem with English too.”

The announcer was half right, and half wrong.

Actually her English was quite broken, but there was no doubt about the fact that she spoke confidently.

However, I can only assume that she woudn’t be able to talk about other things in English at all.

Her English is not quite correct.

But she responded well to the questions asked by the reporter slowly.

If you have topics you are good at talking about, you will be confident.

Your subconscious will start to think, “I’m good at English”, and that helps you to learn
expressions for other topics and improve your fluency more quickly.

The ideal state would be that you find yourself learning English without being really conscious of it because you are good at it, and it’s fun.

You like it, so you go on and on.

For example, if you are a company employee, you’ll be able to read “Kosaku Shima” with a lot of empathy, which is available in English too,

Many of those who have mastered English find English by itself very fun, but even if you don’t, you can fully develop your English abilities.

M 君は「仕事で役に立つし、世界中に友達いたらタダで旅行できるじゃないですか。英語自体に強いこだわりはないですよ、色々知ると面白いですけど。」といっています。
Mr. M says, “English is useful for a lot of jobs, and if you make friends with people all over the world, you could travel around for free! I’m not too obsessed with English itself. Learning more about it is interesting, though.”

When you study English, to “study” in a literal sense is not the only way to improve your English.

If you like sitting at the desk studying seriously, then feel free to do that, as much as you like.

But there is no reason why you shouldn’t get into the habit of broadcasting “live” in English what the person walking right in front of you is doing when you are walking along the street.

That greatly helps improve your English.

That also greatly helps you to become familiar with English too.

One of the biggest problems we face is that we never, or seldom, have a chance to use English in our daily lives.

Then, what is required of us is to try to come up with good ways to incorporate English into our daily lives.

One idea could be, just as I said, broadcasting live what people on the street are doing.

As you do it more and more, you’ll find yourself always wondering, “What is that called in English?” when you walk around town.

Then, it would be very convenient if you carry an electronic dictionary with you and you can consult it on the spot.

I always carry one with me whenever I go out. I sometimes forget my cell phone, but never my dictionary.



みなさん一人一人それはちがってくるものですけれども、たとえば TOEIC を初受験したときの私は、「当時好きだった人が、留学するということで、TOEFL でとてもいい点を取ったという話を聞き、自分も馬鹿にされないよう、かっこがつくよう、何か英語の試験で高い点をとってやる!」と思ったものでした。
From person to person it varies, but for example, when I took the TOEIC test for the first time, I really wanted to get a good result because I heard that the girl I liked very much back then had got a very good score in TOEFL and so I wanted to prove that I was just as good, that I was not inferior.

Although I have “talked big” about how you should pay attention to sound and enjoy it, in fact, such petty feelings as “I want to look good” can be a big driving force behind English learning and that’s totally fine.

You can’t have enough driving forces. If you have many, you can still move on even if you lose one or two of them.

Having said that, the Japanese mentality in all of us has created an atmosphere that imposes on us as a fact the idea that “English must be tough”.

I hate to tell lies, so frankly speaking, yes, English is sometimes tough.

But I stress that finding fun in it is just as important.

It is true that the “I really have to buckle down!” kind of motivation is important, but I’m as strongly motivated as I would be in a “I really have to buckle down!” situation to tell you that the “I just love it!” kind of motivation is just as important.

This is also very important in avoiding risks.

Those two types of motivation are, so to speak, the engines of English-learning.

A plane is designed to be able to continue flying even if one engine breaks down.

That’s true of English too. Even if one motivation is lost, the other one can sustain you and prevent you from giving up.

In that sense, it’d be helpful to look for various things, keeping the feeling that “I really have to buckle down and find something that helps me enjoy English”!

In most cases you can find something if you look for things you are interested in on English websites.

例えば Hot Yoga とかを海外のサイトで調べるとかですね。
For example, you could look for information about “hot yoga” on foreign websites.


 英語の方法論、という部分に関してお話をする一方で、その方法論が本当にその価値を発揮するためには、英語の学習をしよう、努力をしていこう、と突き動かす motivation の部分に関しても高く保っていかないと、いけないわけです。
While I have talked about the method of learning English so far, it is also essential to keep your motivation really really high, because that’s what drives you to keep going in English, and lets you get the full benefit from this method.

In my opinion, there are three important factors for leaning English and motivation is one of them.

Motivation×Total Amount Of Study×Correct Method

When these three factors work tightly together, you can make strikingly rapid progress in learning English.
Motivation influences how much you study, so it has the most importance.

What people who earn money by teaching English are most concerned about is whether they can ensure that their students get the maximum benefit from their studies.

In order to do that, it is not enough to just teach English using a “correct method”.

Additionally, it is necessary as well to motivate their students to study further according to their method.

So sometimes I tell my students to stop studying for a while. When they can’t study for several days, they start to feel worried about not studying.

Also they have time to look back and rethink why in the first place they chose to study English.

What is seemingly irrational can sometimes help re-motivate us.

To improve our motivation, it’s worth it.

By enhancing our motivation and reconfirming our methods, we can start making a steady effort again, acquiring English skills little by little.

First of all, we should have a correct method, and then if we can keep highly motivated to study, our efforts can be “in the right direction” and “continuous”, which will actually produce some effect, some result.

私の TOEIC の点を見ていただければ効果のない方法とは思いませんよね。
My TOEIC score is evidence that the method I’m talking about is not ineffective, right?

By the way, everybody, you may wonder why this textbook contains so many complicated explanations. The reason is, as I mentioned in “Policy”, that having a good understanding of what you are going to do greatly motivates you and keeps that motivation.

And that prevents you from going astray and becoming addicted to all sorts of methods.
Even if you are one of those addicts!!

Now everyone, there are, broadly speaking, two types of situations that galvanize us into action.

One is when something can’t be put off any longer and we really have to buckle down. The other is when we really like, want, or want to do something.

前者の例では例えば自分が急に海外に行くことになったとか、TOEIC で700点取らないと昇進できないとかね。これはやばいですよね。すごいモチベーションです。
An example for the former reason is when you suddenly have to go abroad or when you have to score at least 700 in the TOEIC test to get promoted. It’s really serious, isn’t it? I guess you’ll be greatly motivated then.

In these cases, you’ll be able to study very effectively, but it is difficult to drive yourself into such tough situations as long as you are in Japan, though, of course, you can still do so artificially.

This is why the latter reason has its own importance.

Some of you, reading this passage, may be feeling that it was in junior high school that you first studied English and started to hate it. And some of you may have never found English fun since then, but have managed to study it patiently so far.

But, whatever you do, it’s best to be able to find as much fun in it as possible.

Some people do find English a fun subject to study.

いつでも 100%楽しいかと言えば必ずしもそうではないでしょう。
But, it may not be that they always enjoy it one hundred percent of the time.

Even those people sometimes experience difficulties and can feel almost stuck and frustrated; “Oh, this is too much, such a long way to go…”

Nevertheless, it’s surely possible to keep positively motivated to keep on studying English, by thinking that “I have been able to keep at English because it is a fun subject and I’ll be able to continue learning.”, rather than to be passively motivated, thinking “I’ve been studying English because I have to, because it gives me some advantages I wouldn’t have otherwise.”

Studying because you have to, even though you don’t want to, is not very effective.

If you are to continue studying for longer and you want to produce good results, it’s better to have some element of fun involved.

Then, what could be a fun when leaning English?

There are various ways to just enjoy English, instead of studying it.

Movies, music, and even manga are available.

For example, the English versions of Japanese manga are really interesting.

You have experienced English only as a study subject, haven’t you?

Instead, you can think this way: I happened to become interested in something expressed in English.

Some of you may say, “I’ve never enjoyed English, and I don’t think I ever will either.”

Even so, I sincerely hope that you can think positively, “I have never seen anything fun in English so far but wasn’t it just bad luck? Things don’t stay the same, do they?”

This is also important in working on your subconscious.

First of all, it’d be a good idea to go back and find out the reasons why you didn’t find English interesting.

Of course everyone has different memories and different reasons.

It may be true that you didn’t find English interesting, or even worse, came to hate it, but was it really the fault of English?

Wasn’t it the fault of something external, rather than English itself?

For example, some of the most common cases are: your English teacher was horrible; the English exams were meaninglessly complicated or were not fun at all. Do you have any memories like these which caused you to stop studying English but had nothing to do with English itself?

If so, don’t you think it is certainly possible to start again by looking at English by itself, and to find pleasure in it?

When you want to find more fun in English, “sound” is interesting.

When we utter language sounds, they are not only the medium by which we communicate with others, but also “something to play with” by themselves, which can be seen in the phrase “play on words”.



 M 君は音声面の学習を取り入れることによってブレイクスルーを迎えました。
Mr. M has achieved great progress by starting to learn about sounds.

そのための訓練の本は、最近では以前とくらべて充実してきています。本に CD が付いてくる、というのがまったく当たり前のことになっています。
There are now a much wider variety of training books for that purpose than before. It’s completely taken for granted now that books will have CDs attached to them.

そして具体的に彼が使ったのはこちら。Japan Times が出版している『英語のリスニングは発音力で決まる!UDA 式 30 音練習帳』という本は、言い始めと言い終わりの口の形・あごの位置にまでこだわって、写真を掲載しています。
And this is the book he actually used: “Your pronunciation abilities define your listening comprehension! UDA-style 30 symbol practice book”, published by the Japan Times. This book is so detailed that it shows pictures of the shapes of the mouth before and after pronouncing sounds.

Oh, you don’t have to buy one. It will be convenient if you have one, but you can read its website instead.
ホームページ http://www.uda30.com/
Website: http://www.uda30.com/

This book argues, “In order to improve listening comprehension in the true sense of the word, it is essential to learn to pronounce correctly”, which I believe is undoubtedly true.

First of all, he finished this book in a week or so.

Then, he said he could hear English sounds quite clearly.

So, I asked him to choose one of the books he had bought before and read it aloud and listen to its CD.

Then he learned to speak quite well, so he took telephone lessons and practiced intensively until he could speak fluently.

After that, he practiced with some of the books he bought before but didn’t know how to use effectively.

This is the whole process he has experienced.

私の場合英会話学校の Nova に通ってしゃべりまくるという非常にべたべたな方法をとりました。
In my case, I went to Nova, an English conversation school, and went through the very
conventional process of just talking and talking day and night.

そこで Adam と知り合い、いまは友達です。
I met Adam there, and now we are good friends.

Well, there are some free websites that explain English pronunciation, but I think this one is really useful, even though it’s all written in English. http://www.uiowa.edu/~acadtech/phonetics/

The best thing about this website is that we can watch movies that show how native speakers actually move their mouths. I’m sure this will be of great help to you.

If you can manage to read English with the help of a dictionary, then this website is always there for you, for free, to help you reprogram your brain and have a firm grasp of English sounds.

このサイトを使用するときは、最初に出てくる Choose a languageという指示の横にあるバナーのうち、American English を選んでクリックすれば中に入れます。
To use this website, find several banners next to the first pop-up instruction “Choose a language”, and click American English.

Then, you can see several difficult English words on the menu at the top of the website. You can just click at random on whichever you like, and the site will explain to you what each of those symbols is and how to pronounce them by actually showing example movies.

たとえば先ほど紹介したような『英語のリスニングは発音力で決まる! UDA 式 30 音練習帳』なんかに掲載されている写真で口の動き・あごの動きを見て、そして実際に自分自身でその音をそのとおりに作ってみようとすることで、「『あ』にも実は何個もあったんだ、動かし方が違うだ!」ということを「口」でも確認していくわけです。
One way would be to look at such pictures as you can find in, for example, “Your pronunciation abilities define your listening comprehension! UDA-style 30 symbol practice book” and check how to move the mouth and the jaw, and actually try to produce sounds in the same way, making your “mouth” realize the fact that “a” is divided into different sounds in English which all require different ways of pronunciation.

This website helps acquire correct pronunciation by means of singing.

歌は楽しいです。ただ歌というのは特殊な状況ですので、まずは UDA 式をおすすめしています。どちらかをしっかりとやれば発音が抜群にうまくなります。そしてこれがリスニングに影響をあたえるのです。
Singing is fun. But it’s an experience in a special situation, so I recommend the UDA-style, at least at the beginning. If you practice one of those methods, you’ll make remarkable progress in pronunciation, which in turn improves your listening comprehension.