
 M 君は音声面の学習を取り入れることによってブレイクスルーを迎えました。
Mr. M has achieved great progress by starting to learn about sounds.

そのための訓練の本は、最近では以前とくらべて充実してきています。本に CD が付いてくる、というのがまったく当たり前のことになっています。
There are now a much wider variety of training books for that purpose than before. It’s completely taken for granted now that books will have CDs attached to them.

そして具体的に彼が使ったのはこちら。Japan Times が出版している『英語のリスニングは発音力で決まる!UDA 式 30 音練習帳』という本は、言い始めと言い終わりの口の形・あごの位置にまでこだわって、写真を掲載しています。
And this is the book he actually used: “Your pronunciation abilities define your listening comprehension! UDA-style 30 symbol practice book”, published by the Japan Times. This book is so detailed that it shows pictures of the shapes of the mouth before and after pronouncing sounds.

Oh, you don’t have to buy one. It will be convenient if you have one, but you can read its website instead.
ホームページ http://www.uda30.com/
Website: http://www.uda30.com/

This book argues, “In order to improve listening comprehension in the true sense of the word, it is essential to learn to pronounce correctly”, which I believe is undoubtedly true.

First of all, he finished this book in a week or so.

Then, he said he could hear English sounds quite clearly.

So, I asked him to choose one of the books he had bought before and read it aloud and listen to its CD.

Then he learned to speak quite well, so he took telephone lessons and practiced intensively until he could speak fluently.

After that, he practiced with some of the books he bought before but didn’t know how to use effectively.

This is the whole process he has experienced.

私の場合英会話学校の Nova に通ってしゃべりまくるという非常にべたべたな方法をとりました。
In my case, I went to Nova, an English conversation school, and went through the very
conventional process of just talking and talking day and night.

そこで Adam と知り合い、いまは友達です。
I met Adam there, and now we are good friends.

Well, there are some free websites that explain English pronunciation, but I think this one is really useful, even though it’s all written in English. http://www.uiowa.edu/~acadtech/phonetics/

The best thing about this website is that we can watch movies that show how native speakers actually move their mouths. I’m sure this will be of great help to you.

If you can manage to read English with the help of a dictionary, then this website is always there for you, for free, to help you reprogram your brain and have a firm grasp of English sounds.

このサイトを使用するときは、最初に出てくる Choose a languageという指示の横にあるバナーのうち、American English を選んでクリックすれば中に入れます。
To use this website, find several banners next to the first pop-up instruction “Choose a language”, and click American English.

Then, you can see several difficult English words on the menu at the top of the website. You can just click at random on whichever you like, and the site will explain to you what each of those symbols is and how to pronounce them by actually showing example movies.

たとえば先ほど紹介したような『英語のリスニングは発音力で決まる! UDA 式 30 音練習帳』なんかに掲載されている写真で口の動き・あごの動きを見て、そして実際に自分自身でその音をそのとおりに作ってみようとすることで、「『あ』にも実は何個もあったんだ、動かし方が違うだ!」ということを「口」でも確認していくわけです。
One way would be to look at such pictures as you can find in, for example, “Your pronunciation abilities define your listening comprehension! UDA-style 30 symbol practice book” and check how to move the mouth and the jaw, and actually try to produce sounds in the same way, making your “mouth” realize the fact that “a” is divided into different sounds in English which all require different ways of pronunciation.

This website helps acquire correct pronunciation by means of singing.

歌は楽しいです。ただ歌というのは特殊な状況ですので、まずは UDA 式をおすすめしています。どちらかをしっかりとやれば発音が抜群にうまくなります。そしてこれがリスニングに影響をあたえるのです。
Singing is fun. But it’s an experience in a special situation, so I recommend the UDA-style, at least at the beginning. If you practice one of those methods, you’ll make remarkable progress in pronunciation, which in turn improves your listening comprehension.