
みなさん一人一人それはちがってくるものですけれども、たとえば TOEIC を初受験したときの私は、「当時好きだった人が、留学するということで、TOEFL でとてもいい点を取ったという話を聞き、自分も馬鹿にされないよう、かっこがつくよう、何か英語の試験で高い点をとってやる!」と思ったものでした。
From person to person it varies, but for example, when I took the TOEIC test for the first time, I really wanted to get a good result because I heard that the girl I liked very much back then had got a very good score in TOEFL and so I wanted to prove that I was just as good, that I was not inferior.

Although I have “talked big” about how you should pay attention to sound and enjoy it, in fact, such petty feelings as “I want to look good” can be a big driving force behind English learning and that’s totally fine.

You can’t have enough driving forces. If you have many, you can still move on even if you lose one or two of them.

Having said that, the Japanese mentality in all of us has created an atmosphere that imposes on us as a fact the idea that “English must be tough”.

I hate to tell lies, so frankly speaking, yes, English is sometimes tough.

But I stress that finding fun in it is just as important.

It is true that the “I really have to buckle down!” kind of motivation is important, but I’m as strongly motivated as I would be in a “I really have to buckle down!” situation to tell you that the “I just love it!” kind of motivation is just as important.

This is also very important in avoiding risks.

Those two types of motivation are, so to speak, the engines of English-learning.

A plane is designed to be able to continue flying even if one engine breaks down.

That’s true of English too. Even if one motivation is lost, the other one can sustain you and prevent you from giving up.

In that sense, it’d be helpful to look for various things, keeping the feeling that “I really have to buckle down and find something that helps me enjoy English”!

In most cases you can find something if you look for things you are interested in on English websites.

例えば Hot Yoga とかを海外のサイトで調べるとかですね。
For example, you could look for information about “hot yoga” on foreign websites.